Friday, May 06, 2011

Mother's day is coming upon us....What does that mean to you?

Mother's day...

If you asked most people what "Mother's Day" means to them, they would start to go into a long story that sounds like Tupac's "Dear Momma".

I love hearing it too. It's unbelievable how when we grow up we start to truly realize the importance of those who put their children before their own lives. It's tough when you are young because you don't really relish on the importance of what your "Mom" gives up for you to flourish.

"Mom" is the one that is always there, the one at your game, or your play, or your science fair, or your play..."Mom" is the one that tells you everything is going to be ok, and has the shoulder to lean on when things are tough. "Mom" always has the answers, and most times, "Mom" is the only one that can make you feel better when things are not going your way. "Mom", being short for "Mother" which basically encapsulates the meaning of a nurturing bodyguard that will be there NO MATTER WHAT.

For me personally, my "Mom" was not my mother. My Father was my "Mom". When my mother decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore, he gave up everything to make sure his kids had the same love and affection with or without their mother. Raising 3 kids from ages 6-10 by your lonesome is tough thing to do for any single parent. But I have to give my Dad extra props, because no matter what his kids were 1st priority in his life.

Every year since I was 11 I gave my Dad cards/presents on Mother's Day. He played the role of both parents and I truly respected that. It wasn't easy, and as a family we had to put in a lot of work to make sure we were all taken care of. But that was it, that was our gang. All for one and one for all.

To this day, nothing can break the bond of my sister, my brother, and I. It's something I can't really explain to anyone. Other family members outside of our circle have no idea what we went through and how connected we are.

I digress....back to my original point- There are a lot of people out there that have had "Moms" that were not their birth mothers. Grandmothers, GreatGrandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, Friends, Neighbors....Basically what I am trying to say is that Mother's Day isn't just for Birth Moms. Just as Father's Day isn't just for Baby Daddy.

That being said...I want to say "Happy Mother's Day" to my father John "Juanito" Baldridge Wolcott. The single greatest man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You stepped up when she stepped down, and you did it all to make sure that your children would understand the importance of love, compassion, loyalty, and family.

Rest in Peace Pops, we love you very much...Happy Mother's Day.

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